Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tijuana, Japon?

Este es una discussion sobre lo asiatico que se ha vuelto Tijuana se llevara acabo aqui en UCLA. Tal vez les llama la atencion!!
Tocando el tema de la pelicula "Blade Runner"
- Violeta Tavarez

UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center and Charles E. Young Research Library
Event Announcement
Documentary Screening

“El México mas Cercano a Japón”
(The Closest Point in Mexico to Japan)
Directed/Produced by Shinpei Takeda

Please join us for this important documentary about the historical and contemporary economic and cultural connections between Japan and Tijuana. This 50 minute video reveals the rather unknown history of the Japanese community in Tijuana that has existed since the 1920’s. Mr. Takeda weaves the images taken by the first Japanese photographer of Tijuana in the 1920s with testimonials spanning three generations. He also highlights the plight of the Japanese community during World War II.

Thursday, May 8 5:30-7:30pm
UCLA Young Research Library Presentation Room 11348, 1st Fl.

Co-sponsored by the UCLA: Asian American Studies Center, Aratani Endowed Chair, Charles E. Young Research Library, Chicano Studies Research Center, Asian American Studies Graduate Student Association, Asian American Studies Dept., and the Nikkei Student Union

For more information contact: (310) 825-3415

Directions to UCLA available at: http://www.ucla.edu/map/ Campus parking can be purchased for $8 at the Wyton Ave./Hilgard Ave. kiosk. The closest available Lot is #3.
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